Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Priest on the Titanic - Fr Thomas Byles

On the 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic (billed as "the ship even God cannot sink") and all the programs we are seeing on TV about this, no one has seen fit to mention the Catholic priest aboard that ship.

He was Fr Thomas Byles, a convert to Catholicism from the Anglican church.  

When the ship hit the iceberg, Fr Byles was on Deck, praying his breviary, a daily group of prayers priests say - which include the psalms and readings.  

When the ship started going down, Fr Byles was offered a place on the lifeboats but he twice refused to board the lifeboats, preferring to help other passengers get off the ship.

One of the problems with the Titanic and why so many passengers were lost is because they did not provide nearly enough lifeboats for all the passengers they carried so after loading about 705 people (of the 2228 passengers), they ran out of lifeboats, condemning the rest to sink with the ship. Those unable to fit into lifeboats were unable to swim to safety because the water was freezing.

Fr Byles chose to stay with those left on the ship, hearing confessions, and giving absolution and also led the Rosary with people of all faiths kneeling around him.  Just before the ship sank, Fr Thomas led all in an Act of Contrition.

He died when the ship went down and his body was never recovered.

Click here to go to his website.


  1. The story of Father Thomas Byles inspired a young, Catholic, brother and sister team to create Titanic Heroes. Cady (14) and Benjamin (12) Crosby researched the story of Father Byles and wrote a book about him and his heroism on Titanic. They are dedicated to telling his story at
    Cadyand Benjamin donated a wreath to Father Byles for the Coast Guard’s annual memorial drop over the site of the sinking

  2. The story of Father Thomas Byles inspired a young, Catholic, brother and sister team to create Titanic Heroes. Cady (14) and Benjamin (12) Crosby researched the story of Father Byles and wrote a book about him and his heroism on Titanic. They are dedicated to telling his story at
    Cady and Benjamin donated a wreath to Father Byles for the Coast Guard’s annual memorial drop over the site of the sinking

  3. Thanks for your post on Father Byles! I found it very informative. A young lady recently wrote a book about Fr. Byles called "A Titanic Hero: Thomas Byles." It's for sale on Amazon for $12.99. (
    It seems like something you might be interested in!
