Wednesday, July 27, 2016

New Yorker anti Trump article misses the mark

Tony Schwartz, a writer, was allowed by "the Donald" to shadow him for 18 months, after which he wrote, an apparently positive book about Mr Trump called "The Art of the Deal". Trump, according to the New Yorker Magazine's feature story, allowed Schwartz a byline on the book, half the $500,000 advance and half the royalties on the book.

And the first error in the New Yorker article, is calling Schwartz a "ghost writer" of this Trump biography... If he was given a byline in the authorship of the book, and half the royalties and cash advance, he's a co-author - hardly a ghost writer.

But the dis-information of the New Yorker article was just beginning. Following are quotes from the article, allegations from Mr Schwartz, which actually are non issues...

1...."Trump  prefers TV as news source"...all the presidents and busy people do that, in addition to the American public.

2... "Short attention span"... He's probably doing a lot of multi level processing and has what Dr Ted Hallowell calls a "race car brain" which appears as a short attention span. Dr Hallowell says another name for this, is "a dose of American life"

3. "Trump hasn't read a book straight through his adult life"... Schwartz based this allegation on seeing no books on Trump's desk however, truth be known, many highly intelligent, but busy people, read audio books or read on the computer... 

Next Schwartz points out that Trump was incorrect in quoting a book title.  Being incorrect in a book title is a common error, especially for a very busy person.  I keep a database of books I read - if I didn't, I would find it difficult to remember titles and authors and I read A LOT.

Bottom line is, Schwartz makes a lot of baseless allegations and also, clearly doesn't understand what it takes to run big business like Trump does... And we should remember the fact that if Trump allowed Schwartz  to shadow Trump, to camp out in Trump's office and to ride with Trump in his helicopter, that suggests Trump had nothing to hide which is impressive.

In the article, Mr Schwartz admitted to not being honest in the book ... However, considering that, I cannot help wondering if Schwartz is being honest now?  How would we tell, WHEN Schwartz is being truthful?

Next, Schwartz accuses "The Donald" of displaying "insatiable hunger for money, praise and celebrity"  but again, this would describe MOST Americans.

And Schwartz quotes Trump as saying, that it is "Possible that the president was born in Africa" (referring to Barack Obama) - well, from what I have read...he was born in Africa - for example, read Obama's book, DREAMS of MY FATHER ... he's natural American because he was born to an American mother.

Donald Trump was angry because Schwartz spoke out negatively about him   - well, who wouldn't be angry - Schwartz a life long liberal, has an agenda - Trump trusted Schwartz, split the royalties and advance for the book with Schwartz and now, Schwartz basically has turned on him.  The term, "Ethically challenged", describing Tony Schwartz' actions, comes to mind to say the least.

If the article was trying to prove what a "sociopath" (Schwartz's allegation) Trump is, it failed miserably.  Schwartz did NOT, in any shape or form, prove his allegations and actually, Trump comes out looking like kind of a nice guy... 

1 comment:

N4GIX said...

Sue, at least get the title correct. It is: "Dreams From My Father"...